expert opinion

The strategic path from the corporate vision to optimal pricing

A well thought out and wisely crafted strategy is essential to ensure business success in a volatile business ...

A well thought out and wisely crafted strategy is essential to ensure business success in a volatile business environment. One of the most critical components of this strategy is pricing. 

Pricing strategy has a direct impact on profitability, competitiveness, and ultimately on meeting goals. How can an effective pricing strategy be developed that is not only short term, but also in line with long-term business and competitive strategies?

Tobias Zielke, CSMO at oraya explores the concept of price management, which influences corporate and competitive strategies at all levels of the strategic process. 

Strategic framework

No effective pricing strategy without overarching goals and vision! A vision guides all strategic decisions, including pricing strategy. It determines focus segments such as products or customer groups.

Strategic alignment

The company's pricing strategy must be closely aligned with its business objectives and focus segments. Companies with premium products may choose a higher-margin strategy, while those seeking to gain market share might price more aggressively.

Pricing strategy challenges

Developing a pricing strategy often faces the challenge of balancing different business objectives. The biggest challenge is to balance different goals such as higher profits and faster growth. Aggressive pricing could increase short-term market share but jeopardize long-term profitability.

Pricing strategies as leverage

A smart pricing strategy can act as a lever to achieve goals. It is important to emphasize that a successful pricing strategy must be continuously monitored and adjusted to meet changing market conditions and customer needs.

The role of market and price monitoring technologies

Market monitoring technologies are essential. They enable identification of the optimal price range and support decisions when pricing new products or entering a new region. They also provide visibility into competitor positioning.

Price consulting companies also benefit from this technology. They underpin insights gained from a consultation, or trigger alternative considerations that drive further data-driven analysis.


Pricing strategy is an integral part of business strategy and requires careful planning, continuous, technological monitoring and flexibility to adapt to market changes. It is a key tool for business success and should ideally be data-driven.

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